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First Transnational Meeting
(13-18th December 2015)

Reinbek Hamburg, Germany

Students from Konstantin Velichkov  Profiled High School of Mathematics participated in discussions with the students from Germany and Spain on the theme of the ecological footprint, summarized the surveys filled out by students and teachers from three schools and offered ideas on how to reduce pollution of nature and the urban environment in which we all live. Posters were made on the topic of ecological footprint. All participants visited the Uniliver Inertnational building in Hamburg.


Meetings: Academics
Meetings: Pro Gallery

           SECOND               TRANSNATIONAL MEETING

(11-16th April 2016)

Second transnational meeting was in Pazardjik, Bulgaria. Students from three countries presented their options for logo design and selection was made by voting. Each school showed a video entitled "A day in the life of people my age and how work on the project will change it. " We prepared brochures in English and posters aimed at raising various aspects of ecological footprint among the general public. We visited Gimel bio greenhouses and got familiar with bio technology in the cultivation of various vegetables. In the school yard we planted trees and shrubs. Students, mentored by Mrs. E. Gidikova prepared a beautiful exhibition and gifts for the guests of plastic and glass bottles, recycled paper, old newspapers and magazines.

Meetings: Our Mission
Meetings: Pro Gallery


(12-18th June 2016)

Third transnational meeting was in Leganes, Spain. Students' brochures were translated into German, Spanish and Bulgarian. These advertisements will be distributed among students, teachers and parents of the three schools, partners and among local institutions and the public. In teams we decided what ecological days can be held in each school, focused on a particular aspect - energy saving, healthy eating or collection and recycling of useful waste products and set specific actions for their implementation. We discussed issues related to the Food planner and Journey planner and compared results from the three countries. We visited the nature reserve and educational center for Environment Centro El Campillo.

Meetings: Our Mission
Meetings: Pro Gallery

                FOURTH             TRANSNATIONAL MEETING

(6-12th November 2016)

 Fourth transnational meeting was in

Reinbek, Germany The students presented their handmade recipe books, which in addition to the two dishes for each season  also contained parameters such as: calories, carbon, used pesticides and so on. Our recipe booklet designed by Ms. Valya Malinova was the most liked and will be applied to recipes and other countries. We presented the completed (with the help of Mrs. N. Cordova) leaflets in three languages. Our students had prepared posters for healthy eating. The most intersting part was when we prepared two dishes in the school kitchen. Students had the chance to visit the farm Raytbruk which was located in the outskirts of Hamburg. There they observed the conditions under which 150 cows were grown and bred, and they also saw their calves.


Meetings: Our Mission
Meetings: Pro Gallery

(20-25th Febuary 2017)

The fifth Transnational meeting in Leganes, Spain. Students participated in an organized eco day, during which they planted trees, separately collected waste, solved cases related to the environment, demonstrated chemical experiments during which they prepared natural cosmetics - soap and lip balm. They also visited ecological park CREAS - resource center for environmental education and sustainable development on the outskirts of Madrid. In it they learned how one can build a home with natural materials, so that it is it is ecologically friendly. They learned the different possibilities of using wind energy and sun for heating and cooling. They visited the place where wastewater treatment is is performed with bacteria. They participated in the construction of the largest hotel for insects in the world. They did a one-hour cycling tour through the picturesque park, getting acquainted with the local flora and fauna.

Meetings: About
Meetings: Pro Gallery


  (25-30th April 2017)

Sixth meeting was in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria.
Pupils understood and remembered everything they have learned about the environmentally friendly way of life and our environmental footprint on planet Earth through different types of games. Hosts and guests made flags with logos of their teams and solved ecological cases by linking pictures with texts, puzzles, and inventing stories corresponding to the images.On posters, through drawings and inscriptions, they presented their ideas for the proper environmental education under the slogan: "Save, change, think!". We played a game created by our student Vanya Galabova, which included issues related to healthy eating, ecological movement, use of natural resources, etc. Students dressed in T-shirts with the project logo,and distributed their brochures in the Education Department of Pazardzhik Municipality, Regional Education Management and RIEW.They made an exhibition in the lobby of the Town Hall with posters prepared by them, in which they recreated their ideas for a healthy and environmentally friendly way of life. We did Eco Day with Sports Games at Park Island. There the students, divided into teams, searched for hidden landmarks and discovered "treasures".We visited Snezhanka cave and the fortress of Paristera, where they watched a recreation from the first Bulgarian kingdom in the IX - XI century with camp equipment, clothing and military equipment.

Meetings: About
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